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DIY Giant Bed with Used Wood Pallets

The people prefer to buy the items like the furniture from the stores because it is difficult for them to create it at home according to their thinking, but it is wrong. Those who are experienced in making the furniture items at home know how much it is easy to make the furniture products using the wood pallets. The pallets are easily available and they can be turned into any furniture piece a person wants, just the creative mind is needed to design the furniture item and it is awesome if the person has already a style in mind. Here you can see how to make DIY giant reclaimed wood pallet bed at home.

DIY Giant Bed with Used Wood Pallets

For the creation of the giant bed, all you need to do is to collect the pallets at home and they are available at low rate. You can see the pallets gathered for making the bed.
diy wood pallets made bed

Then comes the step to join the wood pallets with each other to create the frame of the giant bed. Here you can see how the pallets are joined for creating the foot area first and then the sides of the bed are created.
diy pallet bed wooden pallet bed

The whole bed frame is created and there is space left which seems like boxes to install the lights, it is a unique idea that everyone will love. You can also see the headboard created joining the long and short cut pieces of the pallets to give it uneven as well as appealing look.
repurposed pallet bed diy

There is a space like table which is joined with the repurposed wood pallet giant bed and starts after the foot area of the bed. It is perfect to be used for the placing the items for the decoration to make the room attractive.

giant pallet bed diy

Those who are planning to copy this idea can see how the room looks by placing this diy giant bed, isn’t it looking nice? Can anyone judge it is not purchased from the furniture store? It is great in every sense and we have shown it placed in the bedroom to make the decision making process easy.
diy pallet bed idea

Not only the lights are installed inside the bed, they are also attached on the sides of the headboard. Here you can see the look of the shipping pallet giant bed with all the light turned on. The lights are also installed on the sides of the bed which are making the room environment awesome.
diy pallet bed with lights

Created & Shared by: Camille Jallu